
A Day-in-the-Life of the World’s Smartest Marketer

Discover a day in the life of the world’s smartest marketer and see how they effortlessly manage complex tasks with the power of Cinch. From automated campaigns to comprehensive customer insights, learn how Cinch transforms chaotic, stressful workdays into organized, efficient successes.

Intelligent people can solve complex problems every day. But smart people utilize smart tools to help them accomplish more at a higher level.  
Let’s look at what a tool like Cinch can do for digital marketers today—and how it compares to managing your marketing without it. 


A Day in The Life of the Worlds Smartest Marketer-1

Let Cinch Change How You Take On Your Day
Explore the Features That Change Everything 
Marketing Automation 
Choose from our library of plug-and-play marketing journeys you can implement instantly. Access omnichannel results without spending hours coordinating across dozens of marketing platforms. Or build custom journeys that help you automate every element of your marketing strategy. 
Customer Data 
Cinch brings together all your customer data from every possible source. We correct inaccuracies and build unified customer profiles, so your marketing can pull from squeaky clean customer data that’s highly segmented and optimized to reach the right customer at the right time. 
Customer Profiles 
Get to know the people behind the revenue with OmniView™ Customer Profiles. This centralized view of your customer data offers insights into customer behavior that informs your future marketing strategy. Plus, you can easily configure data fields based on what you value. 
Customer Segmentation 
Nine out of ten customers prefer to buy from brands that deliver relevant offers and recommendations. Customer segmentation lets you send personalized messages that prove to your customers you know what they need and want. That’s how trust and loyalty are earned. 
Reputation Management 
As a leading indicator of your future growth, online reviews reflect your business health. With Cinch, you can harness the online conversations happening about your brand—and see significant gains in less than a month with automated review requests, surveys, and reviews responses.
Attribution and Reporting 
Your business looks to you for answers and insights. Cinch makes that easier with our attribution and reporting dashboard. Explore 14 reports that give you the information and insights you need to understand the effectiveness of your marketing—and how to pivot for future growth. 

"We are managing the marketing and retention efforts for over 350 golf courses. Most tools we’ve tried aren’t flexible and integrated enough to make this an easy task. 

"With Cinch we’ve built custom segments based on golfer behavior, with multi-channel communications going out automatically. More importantly, the results have made us the most successful golf course marketing group in the country!" 

Amy LaVange: Former VP of Marketing at foreUP 
Don’t Let Another Chaotic Day Go By
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