
Mastering the Art of Marketing with Intention

Embrace data-driven insights, deploy intelligent marketing tactics, and forge genuine connections within your community.

Navigating the marketing landscape has always been a challenge, constantly shaped by evolving consumer behaviors and the need to adapt to successful tactics. However, the pace of change has accelerated significantly. Consumers not only adjust to marketing strategies but also rapidly transform their interactions with the channels we use to engage them.

To remain effective in this dynamic environment, we must move beyond traditional approaches that resemble megaphones and billboards. The days of one-size-fits-all campaigns echoing into a digital void are over. Instead, our focus should shift towards intentional marketing—delving into the intricacies of each customer's psychology, purchasing patterns, and communication preferences. It's a shift from spray-and-pray to thoughtful, strategic engagement that resonates with individual consumers on a deeper level.

Before we get into some tips for making your marketing more intentional without adding tons of extra work to your days, it's worth saying that it isn’t that loud and ill-timed marketing never works. In fact, it’s still the strategy used by 76% of local businesses trying to engage their customer base and drive new business. Which is great news for you – your competition is just checking off the “marketing” box in their to-do list. The businesses down the street are still playing the old way, so all you must do is learn how to have the upper hand, and how to do it at scale. 


Data Alchemy: Elevating Insights to Customer Segmentation

1. Unearth Deeper Insights

Gone are the days of surface-level transactions. Now you can train your employees to become data detectives, gathering insightful information beyond the transaction itself. Observe buying habits, note casual conversations, and even record preferred communication channels. Every detail adds color to your customer profiles, enriching your future targeting efforts.

AdobeStock_599264518 croppedBut let’s be honest – not every employee is cut out for (or willing to try) the conversation and follow through needed to collect additional customer data. Consider implementing automated customer surveys, encouraging direct feedback to unveil preferences, pain points, and specific expectations. This qualitative goldmine complements transactional details, offering a holistic understanding of your customers' needs.

⭐ Advanced Tip: If you’re sending out surveys, rely on the customer data you already have to personalize the survey request via dynamic data fields.

2. Build Dynamic Customer Profiles

Move beyond static CRM’s and embrace flexible data platforms that capture the fluidity of customer behavior. These platforms, known as Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), evolve alongside your marketing activities, constantly enriching your profiles with every interaction. Emails opened, appointments scheduled, even website browsing journeys - all these pieces paint a vibrant picture of your customers, enabling nuanced segmentation and personalized campaigns.

3. Get Creative with Segmentation

Break free from conventional demographics and unlearn marketing creativity. Customer segmentation enables you to dive deep into your data, slicing and dicing based on actually useful data, like purchase histories, seasonal trends, preferred communication channels, or even engagement patterns with past campaigns.

mastering the art of intention- based marketing illustration 2 shorterTake a step further by diving into sentiment analysis on customer feedback and interactions. Identify not just what customers buy but how they feel about those purchases. Craft segments based on emotional responses to tailor your messaging with precision and evoke genuine connections.

⭐ Advanced Tip: Think through creative marketing campaigns before building the segment. What is your great idea for a promotion? Who is it best for? What are all the data sets housed within your system that can help you create the best audience for the message? Can you vary the message of your offer to different segments? Consider a weather-specific campaign for a pest control business; if you could create a segment of customers with sprawling lawns the week before a big storm is expected to hit, you could send a promotion about pre-storm pest control before the bugs come marching in.

4. Gravitate Toward Predictive Modeling

Embrace the power of AI-powered predictive analytics. These tools are no longer futuristic luxuries; they're indispensable weapons in your marketing arsenal. Imagine knowing who's most likely to need new tires next month or predicting the perfect time to reach out to a customer with a personalized offer. Predictive modeling unlocks a new level of customer understanding, allowing you to anticipate their needs before they even arise.

⭐ Advanced Tip: Collaborate with data scientists or utilize machine learning algorithms within your CDP to refine your predictive models continuously. Stay one step ahead by adapting your models in response to evolving trends and preferences, transforming anticipation into a strategic advantage. Predict the perfect time to remind an automotive customer to schedule an oil change based on their historical driving patterns and the type of oil their car takes.


Intentional Marketing Campaigns: Strategic Orchestration for Greater Impact

5. Omnichannel Harmony

Forget siloed channels; embrace the orchestra of omnichannel marketing. Send targeted texts when a customer hasn’t opened the last three emails. Throw a customer into a Facebook ad audience the same day you send out a postcard. Follow up on in-store interactions with personalized text messages. Every touchpoint tells a story, and a truly intentional campaign uses all the instruments to create a harmonious customer experience.

6. A/B Testing for Optimization

Even for experienced marketers, A/B testing often feels like a science project you don’t have time or energy to even think about. With the right testing strategy however, A/B analysis can be a simple and powerful tool.

mastering the art of intention- based marketing illustration 3Commonly, A/B testing involves evaluating different versions of your marketing materials on a pretty basic level, like email subject lines or ad copy, to see which resonates best with your audience. As you move toward a dynamic customer data model, however, A/B testing starts to become more valuable as it simultaneously gets easier to implement. Rather than just “what subject line works best?” you can ask “How do my high value customers best interact with my communication? Do they prefer texts or emails? Do they redeem offers from social ads?” or “How much of a coupon discount do I need to give to each of my four main customer segments?” (After all, why offer 20% off to a group of customers that is going to come back anyway?)

Transform your A/B testing strategy into a dynamic dialogue with your customers. Incorporate customer feedback loops, inviting them to provide insights on different campaign elements. When these conversations happen from within the same platform (in the forms of surveys or simple data input from your team), your customer profiles are again dynamically enriched. Your results fuel future predictive modeling that will allow you to take the things you’ve learned and implement them with your automation without a second thought.

7. Only Spend on What Matters

Why waste precious marketing dollars on channels that don't work for any given type of customers? By tracking individual customer interactions and attributing revenue to specific touchpoints, you can identify the golden channels that drive loyalty and engagement. Shift your budget accordingly, pouring resources into the proven performers and experimenting with new tactics for segments that haven't yet been activated.

In order to achieve this, however, you must go beyond traditional attribution models and begin to utilize advanced models that understand the full customer journey. Keep in mind the goal of allocating budget not just based on individual touchpoints but on each touchpoint’s cumulative impact on customer loyalty.


Beyond Purchases: Building Brand Trust Through Non-Transactional Outreach

While driving sales is certainly a priority, true customer loyalty thrives on the deeper connections you’re building with your customer base. Go beyond transactional marketing and engage your customers on a human level.

AdobeStock_202764106 smaller8. Community Engagement

The communities we belong to are integral pieces in the makeup of who we are as human beings, so a great way to engage with your customers on a personal level is to remind them that you, too, are part of that community. Become a local hub, informing your customers about community events, charity drives, or interesting happenings that align with their interests. This builds goodwill and reinforces your brand's positive presence within the local landscape.

⭐ Advanced Tip: Filter your messages to people who most care about the community events you’re talking about. Family activities, for example, can be shared in a personal way if your system has collected the right data points.

“Hey Matt! Did you know about the Family Car Show happening next Tuesday? There will be the opportunity for kids to learn about the classics, as well as get a first-hand experience inside a Monster Truck. We’ll be there, and we thought you might like to bring Jacob! We’ll happily send you free tickets if you’re interested, just respond to this text!”

9. Knowledge Sharing

The best “intentions” you can have for your customers are the helpful kind. You are uniquely set to provide education and insights that pertain to their unique needs.

mastering the art of intention- based marketing illustration 4That said, anything is better than nothing, so if a spray-and-pray education campaign is the best you can do – do it! Consider tailoring it to season needs (spring garden tips from a landscape company, how to diagnose that strange engine sound in your car when the weather gets cold from an auto service company, or how to know which bugs are dangerous when bug season is coming on) if you don’t have the data available to target something more specific to them.

If you do have the ability to target, however, consider education on services or products they haven’t yet purchased.


A Tip About Using Local Events as Growth Opportunities

If YOU are the one managing a local event, grab the chance to build engaging experiences that build brand loyalty while giving yet another opportunity to collect data.

Implement gamification to encourage customer participation, offering interactive activities or contests that not only entertain but also provide valuable information that can be used to target new segments with future campaigns. Imagine customers engaging with your brand in a memorable way, leaving events not just as attendees but as active participants in your brand story.

If your contest management is tied to your CDP, every interaction automatically enriches your customer profiles. Giving you what? You got it. Even more valuable customer data to use as you target future marketing communications.


Remember, intentionality is a continuous journey, not a one-time destination. It's about nurturing a deep understanding of your customers, anticipating their needs with laser focus, and weaving your brand story into the very fabric of their local lives. By embracing data-driven insights, deploying intelligent marketing tactics, and forging genuine connections within your community, you'll outsmart the competition and cultivate a loyal customer base that thrives in the heart of your local landscape.

So, ditch the megaphones and grab your data compass. It's time to embark on a journey of intentional marketing, one that leads to customer loyalty, local domination, and ultimately, the sweet success of your local business.

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