
Text to Close: 5 Best Practices for Boosting Sales with CRM Messaging

Boost your sales with CRM messaging through effective communication strategies. Discover five best practices to convert leads into loyal customers with rapid response, probing questions, and personalized interactions. Guest author: Melissa Underwager of Merrick Marketing.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of closing sales, and one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is CRM messaging. When handled correctly, text communication can turn warm leads into loyal customers. However, the key is knowing how to guide the conversation, provide value, and, ultimately, close the sale. Here are five best practices to boost your sales through CRM text messaging. 

  1. Be the Last to Respond

In text communication, it’s essential to leave no response unanswered. Always make sure you're the last one to send a message, even if it’s something as simple as a thumbs-up emoji or a polite, "Thank you!" This shows the customer that their communication was received and closes the loop on the conversation. Not only does it enhance the personal feel of the interaction, but it also signals to other team members and management that the customer has been taken care of. 

📌Pro Tip: This simple habit reassures customers that they’re important and not being ignored, which can go a long way in building trust. 


  1. Speed Is Key

In the world of texting, time is of the essence. The longer you wait to respond, the less likely it is that the lead will convert into a sale. A fast response not only shows attentiveness but also taps into the moment when the customer is most interested. If someone reaches out to you via text, they are likely ready to make a decision. Waiting too long can cause them to lose interest, look elsewhere, or simply forget. 

📌Pro Tip: Set a goal of responding within 15 minutes for optimal results.  


  1. Ask Probing Questions, Avoid Pricing via Text

While texting is a great way to engage potential customers, it’s important to avoid diagnosing issues or giving detailed pricing via text. Instead, ask probing questions to better understand their needs and guide them toward scheduling an appointment. A few well-placed questions can uncover the deeper needs of the customer and help you position your product or service as the best solution. 

For example, if a customer asks for a price on a brake job, you could respond with: 

"Hi Jim, could you bring your vehicle in tomorrow around 2 PM or Thursday at 9 AM so we can take a look at the brakes?"  

Providing a price upfront assumes the customer already knows exactly what’s wrong with their vehicle, which may not be the case. Unless they have a diagnosis and a quote from elsewhere, it’s best to assume they need help identifying the issue. By inviting them in, you can verify what the car really needs and ensure they're getting the appropriate service. 

Asking probing questions like, “What issues are you noticing with the vehicle?” can guide the conversation toward setting up an appointment rather than just providing a price. 

📌Pro Tip: Focus on asking probing questions to keep the conversation engaging and customer-centered, while also moving them closer to making a purchase. This also ensures you're addressing the real issue, not just a perceived one.  


  1. Offer Choices, Not Open-Ended Questions

Whenever you engage a customer via text, it’s critical to provide them with choices instead of leaving the conversation open-ended. Offering specific time slots or service options helps to guide the customer toward a decision without overwhelming them.  

For example, if a customer texts about scheduling an oil change, instead of saying, “When do you want to come in?” try offering, “I have an opening today at 3 PM or tomorrow at 10 AM.” 

📌Pro Tip: Giving specific options helps customers make quicker decisions and creates a sense of urgency, leading to a higher likelihood of booking an appointment. 


  1. Manage Opt-Outs Gracefully

In every customer communication, respect for their preferences is crucial. If a customer indicates they want to stop receiving texts or have moved, it’s important to promptly unsubscribe them from your list using your CRM's unsubscribe function. Not only does this demonstrate respect for their wishes, but it also ensures your CRM system remains clean and up to date, which can prevent future miscommunications. 

📌Pro Tip: Keeping your CRM data updated helps you target active customers more effectively, improving the success of future campaigns. 


By applying these best practices, you'll not only improve your sales closure rates but also enhance customer satisfaction. CRM messaging, when used effectively, is a powerful tool that can turn interest into action. Remember, a prompt response, personalized questions, and a clear path to the next step can make all the difference in securing the sale. 


Guest Author: Melissa Underwager, Owner of Merrick Marketing, a full-service agency specializing in digital marketing solutions for the tire and auto repair industry. Merrick Marketing offers personalized, white-glove CRM management tailored to your business needs. Explore their full range of services at 

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